An anime based on Ghost of Tsushima: Legends is currently in the works, with the series set for a 2027 release. The ...
Ghost Of Tsushima' is being turned into an anime. The hit 2020 action-adventure video game developed by Sucker Punch Productions and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment is being adapted into a ...
Crunchyroll announced a new anime series adapted from Sucker Punch Productions’ popular “Ghost of Tsushima” video game.
The announcement was made during a Sony Group press conference where it was revealed that the project would be a ...
A Ghost of Tsushima anime is officially in the works at Crunchyroll, with the series already in production and a release date window set for the series. What do we know about the Ghost of Tsushima ...
A new anime series based on Ghost of Tsushima, developer Sucker Punch's award-winning PS5 open-world role-playing game, was announced as part of Sony Group Corporation's CES (Consumer Electronics Show ...
PlayStation Studios and Columbia Pictures are partnering for the Horizon Zero Dawn movie, which is expected to adapt the ...
Crunchyroll will be the exclusive home to a Ghost of Tsushima: Legends anime series, based on the PlayStation game's multiplayer mode.
During its press conference at CES 2025, Sony took the internet by storm after announcing an anime of Sucker Punch's Ghost of Tsushima and a ...
In a project bringing together multiple Sony businesses, Crunchyroll announced a new anime series adapted from Sucker Punch Productions’ popular “Ghost of Tsushima” video game and its ...