Believe it or not, there's something worse than male pattern baldness. It's depression, plunging libido and shrinking genitals. Those are the symptoms doct ...
Dr. Paul Offit — director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia who recently spoke with HealthDay about COVID — said that if vaccine-induced immunity waned ...
A NURSE suffered a fatal cardiac arrest after being prescribed a fatal combination of three common drugs. Her sudden passing prompted an urgent warning to doctors dishing out the medications, over ...
BRINP2-related peptide, or BRP, is a naturally occurring molecule that can suppress appetite and promote weight loss in mice ...
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use for over 2 years was associated with a lower risk for dementia, especially ...
In the large clinical trials that proved the benefits of statins, about a quarter of people complained of myalgia, although ...
Canadian researchers have developed an effective new technique for identifying aggressive medulloblastoma-the most common type of malignant brain tumour in children-and potentially sparing young ...
We invite you to watch an Eyewitness News special, COVID Impact: 5 Years Later, as we examine how the virus has changed our lives and continues to impact us.
Cases in the ongoing measles outbreak have risen to 258 across Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma, and state health departments ...
A new report says doctors failed to warn patients of the extreme side effects. Patients were not sufficiently worn about ...
Canadian researchers have developed an effective new technique for identifying aggressive medulloblastoma—the most common type of malignant brain tumour in children—and potentially sparing young ...
Researchers may have stumbled upon the secret to anti-aging medication in a pill that's already widely used and readily ...