Medical debt is a serious burden for many Americans. Approximately 20 million people in the U.S. owe medical debt, according ...
As people prepare to pay, News 3 has learned that they are getting targeted ads on social media regarding balance transfers.
Americans pay more taxes to support health care than do the citizens of any other country. We must either fix our health care system or watch our economy implode.
The Biden administration's new rule eliminates $49 billion in medical debt from credit reports, potentially boosting credit ...
Compare the top 2025 personal loans & credit cards in Singapore. Discover low-interest loans and high-reward credit cards ...
Nearly 60% of Americans don't have enough money put away to handle common financial emergencies, according to Bankrate.
Jodi Rave Spotted Bear Buffalo's Fire Two regional healthcare giants are squaring off over who is responsible for paying insurance costs related to a Three Affiliated Tribes Triba ...
Six churches in the Lehigh Valley are celebrating a special mission that brought financial relief to struggling families.
Ferndale, has co-sponsored a bill designed to help economically struggling Pennsylvanians deal with the burden of medical expenses.
J, Kyle Rable shares concerns about spending cuts proposed by U.S. Rep. Jodey Arrington and impacts on healthcare.