The City reminds everyone that municipal beaches are now closed for the season, and no longer have lifeguard supervision or water-quality testing. To protect yourself and your family, please do not ...
registration, programs, drop-in activities, rental parks, arenas and rooms, swimming, skating, fitness, sport ...
Le Comité de la planification et du logement a demandé aujourd’hui au personnel municipal de commencer à élaborer un règlement municipal sur les permis de rénovation et la relocalisation pour Ottawa, ...
The Planning and Housing Committee today directed City staff to begin work to develop a renovation licence and relocation by-law for Ottawa, commonly referred to as a renovictions by-law.
The southbound lane closure is related to emergency watermain repair work, involving excavation in the southbound lanes of Woodroffe Avenue, replacement of sections of watermain, and reinstatement of ...
Les travaux devraient être terminés au printemps 2025. Des retards sont à prévoir aux abords du chantier. Des panneaux seront installés pour informer les résidents de la zone touchée. On encourage la ...
All three women work part-time at recreation facilities across the city, but they connect with each other in the Females in Facility Operations Service group. Their goal is to discuss workplace ...
Visit Engage Ottawa to complete a short survey about how you prefer to hear from us. The survey will close on Friday, February 21. Your feedback will help shape our efforts to improve communications ...
At a special meeting of the Ottawa Board of Health yesterday evening, the Board approved the appointment of Dr. Trevor Arnason as Interim Medical Officer of Health for Ottawa Public Health (OPH), ...
La Ville d’Ottawa apporte des modifications à ses communications afin de mieux vous servir. Qu’il s’agisse des messages sur les réseaux sociaux, des mises à jour par courriel ou des occasions de ...