Grafted follows Wei, a brilliant Chinese scholarship student who moves to New Zealand in hopes of continuing her father’s research: a skin grafting technique that has the potential to change the face ...
Tencent has strongly condemned the U.S. Department of Defense’s recent decision to label it a “Chinese military company,” announcing plans to formally challenge the designation. The Chinese tech giant ...
Margate’s very own Peter Doherty has catapulted into 2025 with his latest track ‘Felt Better Alive’, the debut single from his identically named album set for release on May 26. Following his return ...
Walking into class one morning, it was revealed that a student had died the previous night. She wasn’t a friend, yet the grief that rippled through the school was physiological, an intense numbness in ...
Douglas Beattie’s analysis on how Labour wins and why it loses provides for interesting reading but does it actually answer the questions the title poses? Winning a landslide election victory straight ...