Synopsis: The film focuses on Mufasa’s (voiced by Pierre) childhood and the origins of the Pride Lands. As a young and lost cub, Mufasa meets the sympathetic lion Taka (voiced by Harrison). Together, ...
With the new year ringing in, some dermatologists come prepared and are all set with their list of beauty resolutions for ...
Anaar x Anaita Shroff Adajania is a collaboration kickstarting a new conversation in the realm of bridal fashion.
We break down the thrilling Squid Game season 2 climax in our ending explained piece, including what happens to Gi-hun and ...
Last year, when I wrote this story, I asked for a Dirty Martini to accompany it. In Bangkok 2024, the Martini has evolved.
Up for a good time before 2024 comes to a close? Check out our picks of the best new bars in Kuala Lumpur to open from this ...
From embracing night tourism to prioritising wellness, Hong Kong travellers are reimagining their journeys to define 2025's ...
Here are some unlucky dates in 2025 on which zodiac signs should be extra cautious to keep away bad vibes, negativity, hurt ...
Critically acclaimed titles like Love in the Big City and Exhuma are among the highest-rated Korean movies of 2024.
Another TikTok trend in 2024 Suspect Challenge, which is perfect to try with your partner or a friend. All you have to do is ...
If you’re in Bangalore, 2025 is all about letting the good times roll — January kicking things off with the most exciting lineup of events.
From new superhero films to sequels and franchises, we list the 27 major movies coming out in 2025. Stay tuned!