In his November 22 Instagram video, Rick shared his security camera footage of what unfolded on his property. The cameras spotted a coyote that ran after his orange cat. The coyote lifted the cat with his mouth, shaking the feline back and forth. But the cat didn't give up. The two rolled around in the dirt as Rick ran outside.
Coyote statues, meant to scare away geese, are the newest inhabitants of Longmont’s Loomiller Park. City of Longmont officials put up three coyote statues, or effigies, around the Loomiller Park pond this winter.
Wildlife rehabbers theorized the animal ducked into the supermarket, then hid among refrigerated items to "hide from people inside the store.”
Coyotes, on the other hand, have displayed a pronounced resiliency in regions, according to the findings based on extensive camera surveys.
Customers gasped as officers made several attempts to yank the coyote out of the shelf, finally pulling the animal out by its tail.
It doesn’t matter if you live in a populated urban area or the middle of nowhere — coyotes may roam in any mainland Massachusetts community.
The Kirkland Police Department is asking pet owners to keep a watchful eye on their animals, after a series of cougar and coyote sightings in the city.
There’s no reassurance that he’s going to be kind,” Janelle says of her ex regarding their Flagstaff, Ariz., property
A United Airlines flight declared an emergency on Sunday after hitting a coyote during takeoff at Chicago O'Hare International Airport, airline officials confirmed.
We need to raise at least $15,000 to keep our programs going, as each year more and more kids are coming out to our youth events,” he said.
On Monday, a Jefferson County Sheriff's Office animal control officer responded to a coyote at an icy impasse.
During the Jan. 19 episode of Sister Wives', Meri Brown said that Kody once told her she's not 'entitled' to equal portion of Coyote Pass because she only has 1 child.