“Back in Action” follows two former CIA spies whose secret identities are exposed, forcing them out of retirement to confront ...
Director Seth Gordon discusses the possibility of there being a Back in Action 2 and what a sequel to his Netflix ...
That was ultimately stuff that’s not in the movie,” Gordon told Decider, when asked about the reports of a double replacing Foxx.
As “Back in Action” goes through its paces, you’ll find echoes of such films as the Bob Odenkirk-starring “Nobody” and the ...
As married CIA operatives who dropped out and have to come back, Foxx and Diaz anchor a Netflix product-of-the-week movie where nothing's at stake.
Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx star as former agents, now parents, who must protect their children. You can guess the rest.
But she's on-screen relatively briefly. And while it's good to see Diaz, an underappreciated actor, back in the movies, the ...
Back In Action isn't necessarily a much-watch film, but it's one of the better among the Netflix-produced action comedies.