“Back in Action” follows two former CIA spies whose secret identities are exposed, forcing them out of retirement to confront ...
Back in Action director Seth Gordon was a few beers deep at a Dodgers game in 2019, when he started joking about a fake movie ...
Back in Action director Seth Gordon spoke to ComingSoon about the new Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz Netflix movie. The Horrible ...
Read on for a break-down of the Back in Action plot summary, the Back in Action ending explained, and what we know about the possibility of a Back in Action sequel.
Back in Action' contains a talented ensemble to carry out the spy story helmed by Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz.
Starring Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx, and directed by Seth Gordon, the film has taken extra time to reach viewers after Jamie ...
As married CIA operatives who dropped out and have to come back, Foxx and Diaz anchor a Netflix product-of-the-week movie where nothing's at stake.
Jamie Foxx hyped Cameron Diaz up on the set of Netflix's "Back in Action," her first film in more than a decade after she retired from Hollywood.
Despite some illogical moments, Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx's performances make "Back in Action" an enjoyable family film.
Cameron Diaz sparkled at the Berlin premiere of her new Netflix film Back in Action, marking her first red carpet appearance ...
But she's on-screen relatively briefly. And while it's good to see Diaz, an underappreciated actor, back in the movies, the ...
C ameron Diaz 's comeback movie Back in Action is finally on Netflix after its release was pushed back from last November.