Is there an HIV epidemic? There are several factors making the issue of HIV and AIDs among Black folks very concerning.
Cedric’s IBD journey began during his first year of college, when he experienced severe gastrointestinal symptoms leading to ...
This article will explore what DLBCL is and how clinical trials can potentially lead to breakthroughs in treatment.
In this article, we'll explore the seven most common obstacles to joining clinical trials and offer strategies to overcome ...
In an interview, Danielle Mitchell of BWICR discussed the importance of increasing diversity in clinical research and making a difference.
Turns out that a hot cup of tea is more than just an enjoyable drink. While many people have heard of the benefits of green tea, did you know that there are numerous other teas with incredible ...
A breakthrough in Russia promises to redefine cancer treatment, with the country announcing its first mRNA cancer vaccine.
Virginia A. Caine, MD is well known in the world of public health and clinical infectious diseases as a leader, practitioner, ...
Thomas LaVeist is dean of the Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine and Principal Investigator for ...
Ogo Egbuna works at Vertex leading the company’s precision medicine kidney programs in APOL1-mediated and Polycystic kidney ...
Given differences in socioeconomic status and higher prevalence, the Black community face disproportionate outcomes in ...
Barbara Salami is the VP of Digital for Commercial at Moderna where she is leads digital transformation for Moderna’s new ...